The Inevitable Downfall of NFT’s

Lexus Avalos
3 min readFeb 6, 2023

Blockchain technology has the potential to be a powerful tool for the financial world. The usage of it has led to a major impact across the globe in the creation and spread of digital assets, a major example of this being the NFT, or Non-Fungible token.

The popularity of NFTs exploded in 2021, with high-profile sales of them being created by artists, musicians, and even celebrities making headlines. However, all good things must come to an end, and the hype around NFTs has begun to wane, leading many to question their true worth.

Image: EtherRocks JPEG, now worth 1 Million USD

Understanding the Collapse

One of the biggest reasons for the deterioration of NFTs is of course the largely overhyped market. The rapid increase in demand for NFTs led to a saturation of the market, with many NFTs being sold for exorbitant prices without any real value behind them. The end result? A bubble that eventually burst, leading to a decrease in demand for NFTs and a loss of confidence in the market.

The environmental impact of NFTs has also become a major concern. The energy consumption required for the creation and sale of NFTs is significant, and it is contributing to the worsening of the climate crisis. This has led to a decrease in support for NFTs and a shift towards more environmentally sustainable solutions.



Lexus Avalos

Cynical content writer. I talk about nerd stuff. For nerds.